The Way of

The Way of

System Builders to Spirit

Know your own self-imposed limitations and realize that they can be overcome.

Be aware of when you retreat into structure for safety.

Protect your health.

Those born during the Way of Extension take their talent for structuring their ideas, work, and lives and extend it beyond mundane concerns and average thinking into the structuring of universal or spiritual ideas or inspirations. Moreover, they teach their theories to others so that they can be put to practical use. To do this, they must learn to orient themselves to the metaphysical. No matter how practical or down-to-earth they may be, they need to strive toward the higher realms of consciousness. Transcending barriers of space and time, such individuals must push their powers of discrimination to the maximum so that they can perceive a kind of order in the chaotic realms of spirituality, philosophical or political ideas, even conceptual systems. Sometimes this process requires a period of retreat or reflection to gather ideas followed by a return to everyday life with an understanding of higher concepts in tow. At such a point they can share their unique system of thought with the world. For these people, even the most earthbound or practical individuals, those who embrace little or no spiritual or religious belief system, will engage in meditation on what larger forces are at work in the world. Whether they want to or not, they must apply their analytical minds to such musings to extend their need for structure outward, much like a lasso, to rope in and tame such ideas for the benefit of all.

Their journey does not entail a metamorphosis or turnaround as much as a steady outward thrust from the earthly to the spiritual. The main challenge for them will be learning to overcome themselves and their own predilections. Here their ability to systematize is both a curse and a gift. Far too often, their energies become bogged down with a preoccupation with the details of their lives, failing to see the proverbial forest for the trees. They feel safest when boxed in by schedules, routines, and modes of thought. The problem is, these rather persistent and stubborn individuals actually like the way they have ordered their own—and often everyone else’s—life. A more process-oriented or “go with the flow” approach causes them virulent anxiety born from a fear of being out of control. But if they are to tap into deeper levels of meaning or larger concepts, their core lesson will be to release their need for the safety of being limited by structures of their own making. In the end, they will come to realize that the theoretical and spiritual are simply natural extensions of the physical and will become just as comfortable rearranging these more ethereal sides of life in better-designed, more useful ways as they are with ordering their physical world.

If they are successful, what they will offer the world is an easier grasp of larger concepts or ideas, often spiritual or at least collective. These folks can make the big picture accessible and useful to the “little guy.” Whether they are involved in the creation of a theory of past lives and how reincarnation works, the application of economic concepts in the real world, the explication of how high finance really operates, or merely the embodiment of concepts such as feminism or democracy as a role model, they can make a large mark on the world. And almost always their ideas, systems of thought, and practical applications of theory are not designed for their benefit alone but for that of average men and women. As a result, they are apt to be embarrassed to discover themselves the objects of the affection and veneration of a large and welcoming audience of fans and devotees.

In their hearts, they make the unlikeliest of gurus. But this is what they must become in order to share their conceptual systems with others. Humble in the extreme, they are perhaps just the ones we others need to teach us a thing or two, since they are unlikely to succumb to ego inflation and all its unsavory side effects. All of the gifts given to them from the outset (their feeling for structure, their dependability, and their service orientation) can be magnificent springboards for their life’s work. These are some of the most devoted people you will find. Frequently, it is their very devotion that causes them to move beyond themselves, since their first forays into spiritual realms or more universal ideas or philosophies often occur as a result of extending themselves on behalf of others.

Their giving and sacrificing side can, however, be their downfall. Too often they push themselves too hard in trying to serve their fellows or allow others to drain them of energy or otherwise take advantage of them. A healthy dose of looking out for number one is called for if they are to “go the distance” and truly make a mark on the world. They are, in fact, sensual people and must take care of their physical needs both for pleasure and in terms of their health. Moreover, as much as others want to cling to them, they need to be strict about setting aside a sufficient amount of time to be alone, as it is in solitude that they recharge and do their work. The demands of others can keep them locked in the mundane workings of life and prevent them from moving their minds and hearts into other realms. The irony is that to protect themselves, they must often rely on the very routines or structures they must ultimately transcend. There is a subtle but important point, however: daily physical routines can be utilized to erect protective boundaries, but rigid structures of the mind and rote modes of thought must be overcome. Often, an overly strict adherence to physical routines simply mirrors a crystallization of their thinking and a dependence on mental structures. Once they break their reliance on mental routines, the physical holds no more power and can safely be used as a tool to create health and well-being.

Since mental orientation is so crucial for these people, it is important for them to receive some form of guidance early in life on how to expand their worldview or thinking into more theoretical or creative paths. Of course, there is the potential to overreach, or even to be led astray by false doctrines, overly ambitious teachers, or illusory experiences. Those who intend to seek a full­blown religious or spiritual experience may have to remember to engage their practicality and healthy propensity for doubt. However, they usually experience life in a highly personal or more solitary fashion. Joining formal religious or spiritual groups may occur, even with good results, but usually such organizations serve only a temporary purpose. The best companions or mates for them are like-minded and strive for a broader or more spiritual experience in life. What is best for these folks is the steady love and support of a few close associates with strong boundaries who will not be dependent or needy. They must be free to experiment and to soar in the rarified atmosphere of their highly personal visionary experience. In return, their associates will have a devoted and generous friend or mate who provides them with a whole new way of seeing things.

Career crises are not uncommon for these people. At some point in their lives, they may be forced to confront their assumptions about the nature of fame, wealth, and power. Scaling back or even discarding their ambitions may be necessary for their continued spiritual growth. Eventually, a balance can be reached between the satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs. Participating in study and discussion groups is most beneficial for them, since it will keep their thinking open to new ideas and concepts. Examining doctrines, weeding through theories, and discarding useless concepts while integrating others are all necessary on an ongoing basis if they are to distill and perfect their hard­won vision or theories.

The image that comes to mind to describe those born during the Way of the Extension is a tree. With its root system grounded deep within the earth, it orients its branch and leaf structures toward the life­giving energy of the sun. Simply by being alive, the tree converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into something everyone can use, life­giving oxygen.


Overcoming their propensity to seek
emotional security in the small details
and routines of everyday life


To structure metaphysical or theoretical
ideas into a format easily understood
and used by others

Need to release

The fear of what you can't control

Expected reward

The joy of giving understanding to others

Must learn to balance

Physical and spiritual